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Application Procedure

2018年05月30日 10:19  点击:[]

1. Application Documents

1) Valid passport or other identification certificate(copy)

2)Dalian University Registration Ftom for Admittance (Issued by Dalian University);

3)Final Diploma (copy);

4) Final Transcript (copy);

5)HSK certificate(if applies);

6) Those who areyounger than 18years old , should provide a notarizedguardianship certificate

2. Documents Submission

1) finish the online registrationat http://gjjl.dlu.edu.cn/info/1062/1356.htm

2)mail application documents to following address:

College of International Cultural Exchange of Dalian University, No.10, Xuefu Street, Economic &

Technological Development Zone,

Development Area, Dalian, Liaoning ,China Post code:116622 Tel: 0086-411-87402181

3) E-mail e-version of application documents to: gjwhjlxy@aliyun.com

4) Fax the documents to: 0086-411-87403800

3. Visa Application

For students who plan to study in China in long term

1) Upon application documents reviewed and confirmed, we will handle and permit the form

named as Visa Application for Study in China (short for JW 202) for exchange students. Then

registration documents including JW 202,

Admission Letter, Entrance Notes and etc are sent to students.

2) Those who apply to study in China are required to handle their student visa (X visa)

at embassy in China with JW 202, admission letter, and medicalexamination report from

local public hospital (for study period over 6 months) and etc. Those whose study period

is shorter than 6 months should apply for visitor visa (F visa) or travelling visa(L visa).

For students who plan to study in China in short term

1) personal exchange study: upon application documents reviewed and confirmed, we need

to handle and mail the admission letter together with entrance notes to applicants.

Then, applicants will need to apply for travelling visa (L visa) or visiting visa

(F visa) for entrance.

2) group exchange study: organization manager need to submit group member information form

(including full name, gender, nationality, age, ID, degree, passport number) and

students’ Chinese level to College of International Cultural Exchange College, Dalian

University. According to requirement of organization manager , the College of International

Cultural Exchange College will mail invitation letter, enabling the organizational manager

to handle following group visa application at embassy of China.


On the premise that Rules Governing the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on the Entry

and Exit of Aliens is strictly enforced, College of International Cultural Exchange, Dalian

University is glad to help students to handle their visa, residence permit and etc without

additional charges, while all the relevant fees remain to be students’own

responsibilities. Students who need to extend their visa and residence permit, please

submit application to college at least 15 days in advance.

Special Reminding

(extracted from) Rules Governing the Implementation of the Law of the PRC on the Entry and

Exit of Aliens

Article 42 Aliens who illegally stay in China may be served a warning, fined 500 yuan (RMB)

per dayfor the period of his/her illegal stay in China with the total sum of fine not exceeding

5,000 yuan (RMB),

or detained from 3-10 days. Those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be

ordered to leave the country within a specified time.

Please pay close attention to the valid period of your visa and residence permit in

case of illegal stay. It is exchange students who are responsible for pension and

other punishment caused by illegal stay.You are highly welcomed to log in website of

Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau Entry-Exit Administration for relevant information

regarding aliens’entry and exit, residence, visa, employment,and study in China.

No.4 Procedure of Registration

(1) Student need to register at the office of College of International Cultural Exchange of

Dalian University at required time with theAdmission Letter ,Visa Application Form

for Study in China(short as JW202) , Medical Examination Form (original copy) and

Photos (ten pieces of 35mm×45mm ).

(2) Students need to take X, F or L visa to handle freshmen registration.

(3) Upon registration, students should submit Admission Letter, JW 202 and Medical

Examination Form for verification. After verificationof above documents, student

need to fill in Registration Form, pay all required fees and handle residence permit

within required period.

(4) To handle residence permit, exchange students need to take Study Certificate or

Letter of Introduction issued by our university, together with Medical Examination

Form to Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau Entry-Exit Administration

(in case that Medical Examination Form does not meet with requirement, students have

to do medical examination for a second time at Dalian Municipal Health Inspection and

Quarantine Bureau, paying relevant fee for themselves). To handle extensionor change

of residence permit, exchange students need to take Study Certificate or Letter of

Introduction issued by our university to Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau Entry-Exit

Administration within permitted period of residence in China.

(5) Few students who are not able to pay tuition fee for one time due to special reason

should submit official application in writing.After permitted, students can pay tuition

fees in maximumthree installments. Students who apply for late payment of tuition fee

for the first time do not need to pay any pension. However, those who for a second time

apply for late paymentt of tuition fee of the identical academic year or the identical

academic term, are required to pay pension, ranging from USD 10 to USD 100 according to

days of delay. Those who refuse to pay tuition fee out of no good reason are required

to pay pension. For students whose tuition payment is late shorter than one week, a pension

of USD 10 per day will be charged; late over one week but shorter than two, 5%tuition fee

will be charge. If students delay their tuition fee payment without good

reason for over two weeks but shorter than one month, they are served from course

cancellation to treatment as an automatic drop out.

(6) Those who quit during study and who are dismissed from school, are not allowed to

withdraw their paid tuition fee. Those who enter in middle of an academic term and

who resume their study, are required to pay the tuition fee of that academic term.

(7) Students in academic education program should pay all the tuition fee for one time

upon their registration for a new academic year. Students of Chinese language training

programme should pay tuition fee for one time as required according to their study


下一条:Living Information


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